Opening Again under Evolving COVID-19 rules Builders of good citizenship. Civitan Clubs endeavor to build good citizenship by providing a volunteer organization dedicated to serving individual and community needs with an emphasis on helping people with developmental needs. The Lanark & District Civitan Club was established in 1973 and serves the Township of Lanark Highlands as well as portions of the surrounding Townships of Tay Valley and Drummond/North Elmsley. Civitan Clubs operate both individually and cooperatively with the members from neighboring Clubs working together to support projects requiring larger numbers of volunteers. |
Get involved with your community — Volunteer — join the Lanark & District Civitan Club Good citizenship comes from caring about and respecting all the members of a community. Some have needs that they cannot satisfy and some have talents that they can contribute — using the talents to satisfy the needs is the basic foundation for a strong community. Activities & Events Monthly Old Time Dinner-Dances Our Old Time Dinner-Dances will start again on Friday 27 May 2022. The program includes a dinner as well as the opportunity to see and dance to local musical talent. Doors open at 05:30 PM. Dinner is served at 6:00 pm. Music starts at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. The cost of $15.00 per person is waived for entertainers. Those wishing further information may contact Lee Fulton at 613-256-6252 (or Changes starting in June